Shell color can influence people’s choice of eggs, and some people believe that brown eggs are superior or healthier.
There is the most popular perception about food is that brown is better than white counterparts. Brown sugar, brown rice, wheat pasta, etc. are considered as healthy options.
But what about brown eggs? If you are fond of eating eggs, then you will find yourself in a dilemma whether you should choose white eggs or opt for brown variants. Which will be a healthy option for you.
Today, most people prefer to eat brown eggs to white eggs because they think that they are healthier and more natural. But they don’t know that both have the same nutritional value irrespective of their color, grade, or size. If we talk about eggs, they come with lots of minerals, vitamins, and proteins; but the calories are less than 80. The recent study shows that there is no significant effect upon egg composition and quality for shell color.
Let’s check out what are the main differences between brown and white eggs: –
#1 Most experts said that there is no difference in nutritional value between white and brown eggs. However, Brown eggs contain more Omega-3 fatty acids than white ones. But this difference can be negligible.
#2 The price of brown eggs is higher. The top reason behind this is that these eggs come from chickens having a great appetite. These brown feather chickens are big in size and eat more. So, they are expensive.
#3 For those who are looking for foods with a fair share of protein and Vitamin D, eating brown eggs is considered as the best option. The best part about them is that they help to keep the cholesterol level lower.
#4 If we talk about their taste, you will find that the taste of brown eggs is different from white counterparts. The chickens eat different kinds of diet which impacts directly on their taste and quality. The taste of eggs depends upon how fresh they are. You can enhance their taste with some seasoning and veggies.
#5 To sum up, eggs are considered as nutritious food due to varied reasons. Be it white or brown, you should include them in your diet to get a host of health benefits. Nevertheless, there is not much difference in both eggs’ nutritional value. But you can try brown eggs for large size and great taste.