Now a days, Headache is very common problem that pain and discomfort in head, neck and scalp.
Sometimes, Headaches can be mild, but in many cases it can be difficult to concentrate on your daily activities at work or home. Most of the people frequently facing several headaches. But luckily most of the headaches types can be cured at home , lifestyle changes and minor medication only.
As per the latest study, Most common reasons of headaches can be muscle tension. Apart from this, other common reason of headaches can be head injury, fever, mental stress, less sleep or depression.
Did you know, 90% of the entire population have had a Headache at some time.
- 75% have episodes of headaches
- 50% have had a severe headache
- 25% have recurring severe headache
- 12% have migraine headache
- 4% have chronic daily headache
Table of Contents
Different Types Of Headaches:
Tension-Type Headache
A generalized constricting band-like headache that you don’t feel sick with. Basically it comes on by some tension on holding the neck in to tight position.
Did You Know that, Tension-Type headache is the most common type of headache, by far accounting for 78% of headaches. However, 75% of people with migraine also have neck pain, so presence of neck pain does not mean that you have Tension-Type Headache.
Of them, 82% have previously been diagnosed as having tension-type headache, rather than migraine which is because tension-type headache are mild and easy to cure at home with self-treatment.
Migraine Headache
Did you know that, 94% of people who go to the doctor with the complaint of episodes of headaches have Migraine.
50% of those with migraine are actually diagnosed as having migraine.
Many of think that you need to have an aura to be diagnosed with migraine, but only 15-20% of people with migraine get aura.
Also, In a month, the average migraineur loses 0.64 paid days from work and 12.7 hours worked still impaired with migraines.
Tension can trigger migraine, As per the World Health Organization, this disease is the 19th among all causes of years lived in disability.
Sinus Headache
You can get headache with a acute sinus infection, but that is actually associated with fever, colored drainage and significant pain over the sinus that is affected.
Did You Know that, “Sinus Headache” is a widely accepted clinical diagnosis, although many specialists consider it an uncommon cause of recurrent headaches.
Almost 50% of people with migraine eye tearing or nasal stuffiness with their stacks.
Almost 90% of people who have been diagnosed as having sinus headaches, actually have migraine.
Cluster Headache
Did You Know, these are rare, affecting only 1/2 % of the population.
These are very severe, generally around the eye and temple and last 20 minutes to 2 hours on average.
Eye tearing and nasal congestion are significant, but this can be seen with other types of headaches.
Cluster headache is not a variant of migraine, It’s a own diagnose with its own treatment.
Chronic Daily Headache
Did You Know, 1 In 20 People have a Chronic Daily Headaches.
There are many causes of chronic daily headaches, but most have a history of migraine and the overuse of medication have caused them to be chronic.
How Do You Cure a Headache Naturally?
These 8 easy headache remedies can heal your headache fast:
- Relaxing & Resting
- Ice pack
- Moderate Exercise
- Dietary Supplements
- Hydration
- Pressure Points
- Gentle Massage
- Take A Hot Shower
- Diet In Multiple Small Meals
Some Other Treatments Includes:
For Tension-Type Headache
- Aspirin
- Ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin and others)
- Acetaminophen (Tylenol, others)
For Migraine Headache
- Over the counter medications
- Prescription medications
- Rest in quiet and dark room
- Hot or cold compresses to your head or neck
- Massage and small amount of caffeine
For Cluster Headache
- Preventative medications
- Acute medications
- Inhalation of 100 percent oxygen through a mask
Note: Above mentioned all information is very useful for all of us. And the source of these vital stuff is Mount Sinai Medical center, New York
Primary VS Secondary Headaches:
Headaches can be primary or secondary.
A primary headache, you can say, a migraine or tension headache, which is caused by head pain or disorder that initiates from the head it self.
A secondary headache, that initiates from outside the head, such as nasal congestion, flu and hormonal changes.
A Neurologists identified 17 types of headaches, each with their own causes and treatments: (source)
- Primary tension headaches that are episodic
- Primary tension headaches that are chronic
- Primary muscle contraction headaches
- Primary migraine headaches with aura
- Primary migraine headaches without aura
- Primary cluster headaches
- Primary paroxysmal hemicranias (a type of cluster headache)
- Primary cough headaches
- Primary stabbing headaches
- Primary headaches associated with sexual intercourse
- Primary thunderclap headaches
- Hypnic headaches (headaches that awaken a person from sleep)
- Hemicranias continua (headaches that are persistently on one side only, right or left)
- New daily-persistent headaches (a type of chronic headache)
- Headaches from exertion
- Trigeminal neuralgia and other cranial nerve inflammation (causing facial pain)
- Secondary headaches due to trauma; disorders; infection; structural problems with the bones of the face, teeth, eyes, ears, nose, sinuses, or other structures; substance abuse or withdrawal; or systemic poisoning (toxic headache)
What does COVID headache feel like?
In COVID, person will fever and a consistent pain in the head. This will be the first phrase, later on you will feel breathing problems. And this type of headache is more reoccurring in patients between 18-49 age group.
As everyone know, good immune systems can easily help us to recover from Covid disease. So, if you have above mentioned symptoms and you are positive after testing, eating a healthy diet, staying active and a proper sleep is necessary during this time.
Also, not every headache is a corona virus. There can be other common reasons (mentioned above) responsible for your pain. To get proper diagnosis, visit your nearest doctor.
What are the main causes of headache?
Common triggers of headaches include:
- Access use of Alcohol
- Changes in your diet
- Sleeping patterns
- Feeling Depress
- Emotional stress ( From family and friends, work or school)
- Excessive medication use.
- Eye, neck or back strain caused by poor Sleeping/exercise posture.
- Lighting
- Noise
- Weather changes
When Is Headache Serious?
In most of the cases, Headaches can be treated at home only with some normal medications and home remedies.
But you should call your doctor instantly, if a headache is escorted by below mentioned symptoms:
- fever
- regular vomit
- drowsiness
- numbness
- weakness
- confusion
Hope this content helpful for you! We tried to share all about headache types, causes, symptoms, & more. Please share this with your friends and loved ones.